Sign up to experience all activities For Free
Please feel free to choose one of these methods below to register for Fan Painting Workshop!
1. Text information to: 845-214-8579 and include Name, number of attendees, and zip code.
2. Email information to and include Name, number of attendees, and zip code.
3. If you have a google account, please click on the registeration Form below to register!
This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Mid-Hudson
Bring 1-2 friends, or family to decorate a Chinese silk fan in a Fan Painting workshop. After you paint your fan, an integration of “How to use a fan as a prop” will be discussed and samples of storytelling, poetry reading, and a fan movement will be demonstrated. You are free to be a member of the audience, or use this fan as a prop in a improvisational performance in the Fan Fair. This Fan Fair will be open to our small group of participants only, which always helps us feel more free to express ourselves.
We will share our painted fans in the Fan Your Talents Exhibition with the public if you wish.
Registration: It is necessary to register prior to the day of the class. Pre-registration is required for all participants (Limited Class Size)
Fan Painting & Fan Fair Saturday, May 25th REGISTRATION FORM
Fan Painting & Fan Fair Thursday, May 30th REGISTRATION FORM
If you prefer to only experience the Fan Painting, or the Fan Fair in your own way, you can click here >"Fan Painting Workshop", or click here "Fan Fair" to sign up a fee based workshop.